Connect with every consumer who buys your products. Let your consumers scan barcodes and connect with you for a life time. Leverage your consumer connectivity to grow your sales.
Reward your consumers for being loyal to your brand with deals, discounts and personalized loyalty programs. Conquer and fortify the market to grow your sales.
Provide the right information and advisory to your consumers on your products they use. Strengthen their confidence in your brand and products with targeted information, images, tutorials ... A satisfied consumer will keep coming back for more!
Share your latest products and trends on Amkka's digital mall. Let your consumers find the most convenient retail points to buy your products. Improve your business visibility and draw people to your products.
Connect and share consumer’s expereince with your products on Amkka's social media. Leverage on a good experience to prove the quality of your products and services. There is no better investment than a great user experience to promote your strength.
amkka ... every purchase matters